How Charcoal Is MAde
By our British artisans

Tree collection
Trees are collected from our beautiful British woodlands and forests. They are all either wind fallen, coppiced or felled as part of a forestry programme. Each tree is identified by species and taken into account to ensure we’re in-tune with the tree population's health and nurturing its regeneration.

Trees are stacked in Charcoal yards to season. A newly felled tree can have up to 70% moisture and for great charcoal, it needs to be closer to 20%. The only natural way to do this is through exposure to the elements, time and patience. Seasoning lasts from 6 months to 2 years.

Preparing for fire
The seasoned logs are split and if necessary, further kiln dried to achieve the perfect moisture levels. The dried logs are then placed systematically into a specialist oven called a charcoal retort (which come in lots of different shapes and sizes).

Lighting the Flame
Once loaded and sealed, the retort chamber is super heated from an adjacent fire box, to anywhere from 300°C - 500°C depending on the species of wood. Such high temperatures enable the wood breakdown process - expelling moisture, oils and flammable gases from the wood.

The Pyrolysis Process
Pyrolysis is thermo-treatment where wood is exposed to high temperatures in an oxygen-starved chamber. It creates chemical and physical separation without ever making contact with a direct flame. This carefully monitored process carries on until gases are completely burnt off, indicating that the wood has completed the conversion process and is now 90% carbon, incredible charcoal and worthy to be part of the House of Charcoal family.

Cooling, Grading, Packaging
Once the charcoal is below 40C, it’s emptied from the retort and is ready for grading. The charcoal passes over a filter which sorts the chunks, leaving dust and small bits behind and allowing the larger pieces to graduate into craft bags. Each craft bag is hand-sealed to keep the contents clean and contained.

Storage and Delivery
After that, our British charcoal is stored and awaiting your next order.

About Birchwood
Birchwood is located in the lower Wye Valley of Herefordshire. John, his brother and four generations of the Jackson family have nurtured their woodland for over 40 years. Granted the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in 1985, John and the team at Birchwood continue to maitain their Ancient Semi-Natural high forest with an outstanding population of daffodils and bluebells. Their natural charcoal making process is focused on respecting their forest, efficiency, fewer pollutants and sustainability - creating a high quality charoal that produces less smoke and a cleaner burn.
Our British Charcoal. Your essential ingredient
Bring out true flavours, wow your guests, reduce the carbon footprint.
Mixed Hardwood Charcoal

Ash Charcoal

Ash Charcoal

Wild Cherry Charcoal

Mixed Hardwood Charcoal
Wild Cherry Chunks
Flamers Fire Starters
Oak Wood Chunks
Sweet Chestnut Chunks

Mixed Hardwood Charcoal

Purechar Whittlebricks - box of 12

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Skills & Learnings
Charcoal isn’t THAT important. Is it?
The reality (yes we’re biassed) is that British charcoal is some of the best in the world. It performs as needed and...
Skills & Learnings
Charcoal isn’t THAT important. Is it?
The reality (yes we’re biassed) is that British charcoal is some of the best in the world. It performs as needed and...
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Size Matters?
Sure, but not when it comes to charcoal. Our fire-cooking chat rooms overflow with debates on how big the sizes of lumpwood...
Skills & Learnings
Size Matters?
Sure, but not when it comes to charcoal. Our fire-cooking chat rooms overflow with debates on how big the sizes of lumpwood...
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Charcoal is just a heat source?
It’s an ingredient. Simples. But not the kind you’re used to. We are huge advocates of the subtle flavours charcoal can imbue...
Skills & Learnings
Charcoal is just a heat source?
It’s an ingredient. Simples. But not the kind you’re used to. We are huge advocates of the subtle flavours charcoal can imbue...